Sunday, November 23, 2008

I do not have much time, I must hurry

At the time I still school, I want to conquer the world. But the more I depart adults, all the more I get to far. Now I can only develop themselves, is still far from the expectations that will develop this world. Therefore, I must hurry, I only briefly. Before the world is more narrow in the my promise to myself to stretch my wings as width as possible. Then what should I do with my wing it? I will learn to fly, I am sure I will get freedom. The freedom that I can I will make a weapon. I will continue my dream world for them. Once again, my time is not long, I must hurry. Everything is just the story alone. What have I done now will be a picture of my future. The future but the future, the future can not we feel now. However, the future is someone we can expect from someone in the small and teenagers. I sometimes fear the future, because the preparation for the future is not my idea. Now the sun has begun to feel in the middle of the day, I should be using the sun before the sun is in the western horizon and sinking.
Do other people who have ambitions to conquer the world? I am sure that there. How to you? We have ideals that different, but it is not a problem, the more important is how our efforts to pursue ambitions that. The process is a key in determining the maximum results. Although the maximum results, but with a process that is not correct, of course, the results are less than perfect. There will be other things that will be hit because the process that is not true.

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