Sunday, September 21, 2008

How to Make Women Think You`re a Challenge or a `Catch`

Do you want to bag the big one but you want her to do some work to see if she is worthy? Then create some fun by playing hard to get while making her think you are a great catch. This avenue requires thought, patience and consistency because this is used for the one you want to "keep". If you want "throw-a-ways", then this style will be too consuming of your time, money and effort. Being a challenge to bait women into a chase is only done so with the motive of being `caught`. So if you are aching to get caught then get your Clark Gable game and your Benny Hill comedy in each holster and head to the center of town. I have advice first for the affluent men out there who have the means to not only "court" or "date" women, but to support one for life upon relationship fruition. You gentlemen are immediate targets for the gold diggers and blood suckers out there looking for the silver spoon. Women are more patient than men when it comes to sex but not so patient when it comes to money and being spoiled. Men with money need to be extra cautious to the way women will influence you with "desire" as a means of fulfilling their own financial needs. Men with no money on the other hand have to play the biggest card in their hand and that must be "honor". If a guy who is broke is trying to bag a babe by challenging her or baiting her, he better have a good job offer or a creative vein to give her hope they won`t be living on love and breadsticks. A futon is great to have sex on, but not to sleep on. Put Your Best Foot First So to put all the men on the same playing field, let us assume each and every day you are doing your best to look your best and also importantly, smell your best. Even if you do not own expensive clothes, women mainly look at your shoes and your watch. So if you have old shoes then shine them up and roll your sleeve cuff back if you have a nice watch. Why is this important you ask? To bait or challenge her you must first get her attention. Also, when you first speak to her, if you smell nice, that will be the second "sense" of hers you have excited. You can not catch a fish if it is not interested in the bait. "Good taste" is something that will first bait women, because they are so aware of the subjects of fashion and good taste, and also prize that in me.n Hit & Run You will know what your weight in gold is worth when you pull a customary move I have used for years. The "hit & run" method has no responsibility to you after you start, it is all on her. The beauty of this kind of "bait" is that she has to call you. When she does, that is proof right there you are in control, and proof that she did meet your first challenge. The hit & run goes down like this - you have done some light verbal and non-verbal flirting with a girl (this is generally in some public place) and instead of asking her for her pnone number, you do the opposite. In my hand is the written phone number pre-prepared. "Hi, my name is _____. I wanted to give you my number, maybe you would like to hang out sometime." If she is not up to the challenge to call a man, she will immediately tell you this fact or she will offer you her number if she is not dating someone. If she is unsure about you, this is even better, she will take the number home and it will sit on her desk and it will make her "stew" about it a bit, especially if no other person has asked her out for a while. When she does call, she will do the work for you, by telling you her name and where you met. More Bait It is one thing to just flat ask a girl out, but sometimes girls can be confused about your motives and the hard workers will dig deep into the mine to see if there is gold worth digging for, whether it is money or love. Once she calls you back, set a date to "meet", not a date for you to pick her up. Also, make her pick the place. "So, when do you want to get together? Great, where do you want to meet? <> Great, I can`t wait to see you, I will meet you there." For the men who have gotten this far in the scenario you are my hero! We must give kudos to the girl who has lasted even this long, but most importantly, SHE IS INTERESTED. You had better start narrowing down your challenges to important ones at this point or she might lose interest. You will use your ears for the last phase. Pay very close attention to every detail in what she says. Repeat some aspect of an important comment or event in her life to show much you are listening. All the while you will be communicating important aspects of your own life to her. Once you have shown empathy to one of these important personal events of hers, say, "I know that was important to you, like the important things I have told you." Guys you could not be "baiting" her or testing her more with this. If she can not remember one thing you have told her then… well, you know. If she does remember the most important thing you told her, she really does dig you all the way down to your baggage! These are beginner tests, baits and challenges, the real stuff of fools and men come when the relationship solidifies a bit more and you know you are challenging someone in a commitment, not a commencement. Again, these are designed to see if you are working with someone who is especially for you or if someone special is just working you like a man. Whether you are testing her on small or big things, it should be done with respect and reciprocation, because too many tests and YOU will be the one to fail.

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